The .macys Dot
Inc. operates about 850 department stores, outlets and furniture stores
across the USA. Macy's was established in 1858 and today has more than
150,000 employees. The company offers a very broad variety of products
such as apparel and homeware.

strives to provide an excellent shopping experience that "transcends
ordinary shopping". In furthering this aim, the company believes
the key to its future success will be to integrate its activities with
internet and mobile technology. This initiative will broadly serve the
public interest and provide a positive user experience.

Macy's strives to engage its customers in stores, online and via mobile
devices by investing and tailoring the necessary talent, technology
and marketing to its customers' needs...
adopts an omnichannel integration approach that blurs the line between
Macy's stores, the internet and mobile technology.

A program
of continuous innovation is a paramount consideration in the application
for the .macys TLD. The aim is to improve the shopping environment (including
online) and enhance consumer engagement, loyalty and traffic. The new
string will also help the company differentiate its services.
The Applicant
intends to continue its innovative user focused marketing and special
event strategies in the domain space.

invests in talent, technology and marketing that allows it to ensure
that each and every Macy's store is tailored for the customer shopping
in that location by tailoring its merchandise assortments, space allocations,
service levels, visual merchandising and special events.

strives to respond quickly to customers and build deeper relationships.
These loyal customers will appreciate the flexibility and convenience
of this evolving shopping experience.
will be able to create and control domain names that promote the identity
of its brand and the authenticity of its websites. It will be a coherent
online brand presence. Authoritative sites will be built for the company
(and possibly partners). This will help fulfil the mission to benefit
visitors by increasing trust and confidence while eliminating user hesitation
and confusion.
will be simple and intuitive. Content will be more relevant and direct
navigation will be facilitated. (You should be able to type in ""
and arrive immediately at the right content.)
The .macys
string will assist the company's marketing efforts by being able to
create new domain names on demand. It will help the company to provide
customers with resources and services and enable personalised marketing
strategies. Wider choices can be offered and transaction costs can be

the restricted nature of .macys, it is anticipated that between 200
and 400 domain names will be registered in the first 3 years. However,
the number of registrations is likely to increase as Macy's develops
and implements new services...

The "Macy's"
trademark is registered in about 150 countries and territories, mainly
in the clothing, leather goods and jewelry classes. The company's extensive
portfolio contains 25 "exact match" domains such as
and more than 430 containing the "Macys" term such as
A media
plan will promote the proposed new TLD. Prior to a more extensive rollout,
it is anticipated that internet traffic will initially be redirected
to existing websites.

has an extensive media presence covering print, broadcast, and digital
channels. With the addition of the gTLD, Macy's will ensure that the
general public is informed of the existence of the new gTLD through
these channels.

and consumers are faced with increased online criminal activity such
as data breaches, hacking and phishing. The new brand TLD will increase
the level of trust and eliminate malicious behavior without hindering

sophisticated criminal activities cause reputational damage to businesses
as internet users lose consumer confidence and trust with the businesses
targeted by such criminal activities. The .macys gTLD will facilitate
greater trust and assurance from internet users...

and confidential information will also be protected.
Dot Brands
intends to initially reserve from registration the two-character labels
and geographical descriptions as required by the Registry Agreement
in Specification 5.
application notes that it may be possible to obtain release of these
country & territory names subject to agreement by governments and
approval by the GAC and ICANN. It notes that the rationale for reserving
geographic names is more applicable to open generic TLDs rather than
closed brand domains. It will not use geograhic names until ICANN has
approved their use.
The Applicant
further believes that the use of geographical terms within the .macys
TLD will be valuable to internet users when they search for relevant
local content (and avoid confusion).
The possible
incorporation of native languages later would add to the overall positive

Inc believes that the use of geographic terms can provide great benefit
and simplicity to internet users because these terms are intuitive
ways to resolve to Macy's, Inc's content that is specifically relevant
and targeted to users in the particular geographic region...

application hence proposes a number of procedural options whereby the
company may be able to obtain the appropriate approval. An example procedure
might be to offer a government 90 days to object to use of a country
name (at no charge).
The Applicant
points out its due respect for governments and that its domains are
extremely unlikely to be in any way offensive to any country. If they
were, Macy's would act decisively to fix it. Nor would the use of country
signifiers be confusing or detrimental to internet users (the opposite
would actually be true).
Possible .macys
Brand Domains

names mentioned on this site are registered trademarks or trademarks
of their respective corporations. This site claims no association
with or endorsement by any of these corporations and their marks are
mentioned only to illustrate opinion presented in the public interest.
All quotations
on this page are from the respective companies' official ICANN brand
TLD applications unless otherwise stated.
Many possible
theoretical dot brands are mentioned (in English). There are also countless
possibilities in other languages. This has significant potential value
for international navigation.
This site
is focused on reporting the strategic impact of the brand domains on
internet communication, competition and commerce, and some comment is
It is not
a comprehensive overview of what some of the world's largest corporations
have chosen to reveal about their plans for the implementation of their
proprietary domain strings.
particularly concerned with the technical, financial, security and legal
issues associated with the new TLDs. These issues are beyond the scope
of this website.
For a comprehensive
overview of the brand domains and their impact on the web, refer to
ICANN's website and the individual applications (large parts of which
are publicly published).
If you
have a particular interest in an individual company, the public aspects
of their applications are available for download via these ICANN links:
You can also search a complete list of applicants there.
new gTLD applications
official website