The .amex Dot Brand
Express Company is a global firm providing a range of personal &
business credit card services with a particular focus on travel.

Express places a high level of importance to the potential trust dividend
through operation of a private gTLD. The .amex extension would "Establish
a trusted source of information about American Express for the millions
of consumers who use the company's services, for investors seeking information
about American Express, and for the general Internet user population..."
Amex currently
operates a wide variety of gTLD domain names such as, and, but anticipates finding value
in owning a single unifying dot brand identity a single trusted
source . "Given its broad consumer base and operations in the U.S.
and abroad, TRS (Amex Travel Related Services) believes that the .AMEX
gTLD can provide an online, single-source identifying function for customers."
Amex also
states that they anticipate launching fewer than 10,000 websites on
the .amex string in the first five years of operation.

Express... has filed this application for the .AMEX gTLD with the
intention of bringing to market a trusted, hierarchical, and intuitive
namespace for consumers to access content related to American Express
brands and services worldwide.

Express recognizes the possible benefits accruing from the .amex string,
such as innovation, improving navigation to Amex brands and content,
and also providing the company with wide options to create short and
intuitive domain names.
a brand domain will also assist in the fight against illegal online
activities and reduce the need for defensive registrations. This might
not only benefit Amex, but consumers as well.
on how the new gTLD field plays out over the next few years, Amex will
consider shifting content from its multiple websites over to the new
.amex string. This will depend on consumer perception and the status
of other dot brands and so on.

all testing has been successfully completed, TRS may begin allocating
domain names in .AMEX for more widespread internal use. During this
same period of time, American Express may also begin evaluating strategies
to potentially migrate traffic away from its current network of second-level
domain names, which are registered in a variety of TLDs, to TRS' new

Dot Brands
Like numerous
other brand domain applicants, Amex expresses a wish to apply for use
of currently prohibited geographical identifiers at the second level
(to the left of the dot). For example, it is certain that Amex would
like to operate websites such as, and,
but country names are currently reserved under the Registry Agreement.

its broad consumer base and operations in the U.S. and abroad, TRS
looks forward to collaborating with other new gTLD registry operators
(especially .BRAND gTLDs) in potentially working with ICANN's GAC
to explore processes that could permit the release of initially reserved
country names (including ISO-3166 two-characters).

Possible .amex
Brand Domains

names mentioned on this site are registered trademarks or trademarks
of their respective corporations. This site claims no association
with or endorsement by any of these corporations and their marks are
mentioned only to illustrate opinion presented in the public interest.
All quotations
on this page are from the respective companies' official ICANN brand
TLD applications unless otherwise stated.
Many possible
theoretical dot brands are mentioned (in English). There are also countless
possibilities in other languages. This has significant potential value
for international navigation.
This site
is focused on reporting the strategic impact of the brand domains on
internet communication, competition and commerce, and some comment is
It is not
a comprehensive overview of what some of the world's largest corporations
have chosen to reveal about their plans for the implementation of their
proprietary domain strings.
particularly concerned with the technical, financial, security and legal
issues associated with the new TLDs. These issues are beyond the scope
of this website.
For a comprehensive
overview of the brand domains and their impact on the web, refer to
ICANN's website and the individual applications (large parts of which
are publicly published).
If you
have a particular interest in an individual company, the public aspects
of their applications are available for download via these ICANN links:
You can also search a complete list of applicants there.
new gTLD applications
official website