The .google Dot
Inc. the internet search company is focused on facilitating users to
connect with information around the globe. Its mission is to make the
world's information widely available. The company is continually developing
technology to help online business. This vast scope includes search
functions, enterprise-scale business applications and local and global
ad solutions. In 2011 alone the company invested more than $3 billion
in IT infrastructure.

The proposed
.google TLD is intended to provide a dedicated channel for the company
to continue and expand the trajectory of its online offerings. It will
supplement its existing online identities and help categorize them.
"It will also generate efficiencies and increase security by reducing
Googles current dependence on third-party infrastructure."
It will
provide an expedient way for visitors to access aggregated Google content.
also believes that its sole ownership and operation of the TLD is a
factor in serving the public interest.

Road Registry aspires to create unique web spaces where users can
learn about Google products, services and information in a targeted
manner and in ways never before seen on the Internet...
mission of the proposed gTLD, .google is to make the world's information
universally accessible and useful through the streamlined provision
of Google services.

NOTE: Charlston
Road Registry is owned by Google.
The Applicant
sees the .google string as an opportunity to create a highly recognizable
and branded destination for the public and its own employees. It will
also be seen to be a trusted web space. It will be a medium to expand
Google's reputation and further enhance its brand.
The public
will recognize that all .google domain names are authentic and authoritative
Google websites. The flexibility and specialization of the TLD means
Google will be able to "easily link its products, services and
countries of operation". This will assist in the goal of providing
users with the highest level of quality, reliability, speed and service.
One of Google's core principles is to "focus on the user and all
else will follow". Another is that "great isnt good

is committed to anticipating needs not yet articulated by its global
audience, and meeting them with products and services that set new

The .google
extension will provide an authoritative destination that is clearly
differentiated from other TLDs.

The .google
gTLD provides Google with the opportunity to differentiate its online
content by linking its offerings to a unique gTLD, signaling to users
that this is a Google owned and operated space. Google will be able
to quickly distinguish new products and services it develops and/or
acquires by offering them in the proposed gTLD.

believes that the launch of its own TLD, in tandem with other new registries
and domain strings, will help foster competition on the internet and
"spur innovation in the gTLD space". The Applicant also hints
that it already has imaginative and unique plans to leverage the possibilities
of the new string: "In addition, Google may choose to innovate
within its portfolio of web spaces and introduce distinguishing feature(s)...".
outreach and communications program will have a focus on promoting Google's
ownership and authenticity of the .google string with the broader goal
of encouraging user interaction.
The company
intends to promote its portfolio of TLDs collectively (it has also applied
for around 100 other new TLDs in the ICANN expansion program). This
is expected to maximise the impact on modifying consumer behavior and
contribute to the acceptance of all other new TLDs as well.
The Applicant
also intends to use local communications platforms as appropriate.

Road Registry will reach out... to deliver its mission and message
to the public, including but not limited to: press briefings, videos
posted on various Internet sites, blogs and other social media, and
paid advertising.

intends to maintain a high level of security in all facets of operation,
with access to data and information systems carefully restricted and
backed by two-factor authentication.
Road Registry will strive to ensure the appropriate level of privacy
and security will be met for its users."

The gTLD
will also allow Google to more securely work in communities where
access to dependable and safe online services are limited or fragmented
and provides the opportunity to reach a broader cross-section of current
and potential global Internet users.

Dot Brands
In accordance
with ICANN's New gTLD Applicant Guidebook, Specification 5 of the Registry
Agreement and in the "spirit" of the GAC Principles Regarding
New gTLDs, Google will reserve the English country and territory names
described in the ISO 3166-1 list etc.
will not use any full country names in English or other reserved languages.
it does have plans to " reserve current and future country abbreviations
for use at the second-level". (Second level = left of the dot.)
An example might perhaps be

CRR (Google's
registry) plans to make these two letter geographic abbreviation identifiers
available to Google to provide localized content via second-level
domains. Google's Web Search and other services are customized for
a number of countries and regions across the world, and these two
letter second level domain names would be used to provide a namespace...

application differs from most others in that it does not seem to state
that it will be applying through the appropriate channels for use of
reserved geographic domain names. It will just go ahead and use them.
it makes the supporting points that the TLD is a private trademark and
will not be confusing with any country or region. Any country code terms
used with the .google extension would be directly "tied to Googles
brand and offerings". And, Google has no interest in competing
with official country code domains or government websites.
authorized country code registries such as Denic (the official .DE registry
for Germany) may object to Google attempting to use]
has a growing focus on providing localized content and is particularly
aware of the importance of this service in developing nations.

intends to fully utilize the abbreviated country code names to harness
the TLD to provide localized content, especially to the developing
world. Throughout 2011, several chapters of the Internet Society in
developing nations have found that despite growing connectivity in
their nations, Internet usage and electronic commerce were not thriving
due to a lack of localized content.

(See also
geographic note in section below).
= Charlston Road Registry, Google's registry.
Possible .google
Brand Domains (specifically named in the application)*
* The rationale
for this domain is specifically explained by the Applicant. As mentioned
above, Google intends to use the .google string to make a significant
advance in providing localized content in regions around the globe.
is the two letter acronym for Botswana hence would
be an excellent intuitive search engine domain for the citizens of Botswana.
So if you
live in Botswana, a search for "restaurants" on
would return much more relevant results than on The Google
algorithm would preference Botswana content for searches on this site.
Such domains would hence be in the public interest.

names mentioned on this site are registered trademarks or trademarks
of their respective corporations. This site claims no association
with or endorsement by any of these corporations and their marks are
mentioned only to illustrate opinion presented in the public interest.
All quotations
on this page are from the respective companies' official ICANN brand
TLD applications unless otherwise stated.
Many possible
theoretical dot brands are mentioned (in English). There are also countless
possibilities in other languages. This has significant potential value
for international navigation.
This site
is focused on reporting the strategic impact of the brand domains on
internet communication, competition and commerce, and some comment is
It is not
a comprehensive overview of what some of the world's largest corporations
have chosen to reveal about their plans for the implementation of their
proprietary domain strings.
particularly concerned with the technical, financial, security and legal
issues associated with the new TLDs. These issues are beyond the scope
of this website.
For a comprehensive
overview of the brand domains and their impact on the web, refer to
ICANN's website and the individual applications (large parts of which
are publicly published).
If you
have a particular interest in an individual company, the public aspects
of their applications are available for download via these ICANN links:
You can also search a complete list of applicants there.
new gTLD applications
official website